For more than 25 years Uday has managed Techflow’s 3D modeling & detailing service business. Techflow is India’s first and largest Tekla Structures user and began using Tekla as the original reseller and technical support partner in India. He was instrumental in the introduction of Tekla (and thus 3-D modeling) in India. Uday was the first authorized Tekla training partner involved in the development of India’s Structural Steel detailing sector, marketing their services to North American steel fabricators. He has grown Techflow into a major player in the detailing market with 6 offices in India, one in the U.S. and one in Canada. Currently, as President and Chief Executive Officer, he is responsible for the global expansion of the Techflow Group’s business interests.
Mr. Khandekar actively participates in various international and domestic governing bodies, including AISC, CISC, NISD, and the Bombay Chamber of Commerce. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys sports, leads his team effectively, and spends his leisure time listening to classical music.